
Monday, December 16, 2019

Guy's I FLEW!


Hey there!
Welcome back to my amazing blog, last week thursday was Yaldhurst Model school final assembly. It was filled with tears, joy and a bit of confusion when some tech decided to be annoying. Anyways as you can see it was pretty sad, but something changed all that... Rimu went to Mega Air!
It was a blast! But why did we go you ask well, Rimu went to Mega air for the end of year farewell trip. 

We bounced around, I flew, the teachers fell into bags of darkness, balls flew at their heads (and yet they still gave us pizza).  It was super, so super that I even made a Visme about our trip.

Hope you like it!

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Hey there!
Welcome back to my blog, do you know what the Spring learning journey is? Well you must do, because I have been posting about this journey a lot. But for those of you who don't know what the spring learning journey is, the spring learning journey or Sp.L.J  is a blog competition. Where you basically  have a set of blog posts to complete over the school holidays. There is also a winter learning journey. And a summer one which is coming up. 

Anyways on tuesday participants from rimu class had been given prizes. Those prizes were Chocolate! I love chocolate, don't you? The top three also received gift cards to various stores.

Did you participate in the Spring learning journey? Well weather you have or have not, you could try out in the Summer Learning journey. Here is a link to the site where you can sign up, we begin on the 16 of december. I can't wait to compete against you, but for now here a few photos of the prize giving. 

( If you want to look at my post's from this, then just scroll down and on the left should be a link (under labels) to my work)

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Hey there!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog again. Today in rimu we all had to create DLO's for math, I decided to make a screencastify explaining how to find the lowest common multiple of three different numbers, and how to convert a percentage into a fraction. It took me a pretty long time to learn how to do this, but with help from some friends I got it.
Now it might all sound pretty hard, but if you watch this video you will see how simple it really is.

I hope you find this video useful, if you have any questions or feedback, leave a comment down below.

I hope you enjoy❤๐Ÿ˜‰

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

♫♫ A great Synphony♪♪

Kia ora,
and welcome to my blog. Today was super exciting. The whole of Yaldhurst school went a a trip, to the town hall. It was super, why did we go you might ask? Well there was a symphony orchestra playing there today, and  we. Although with a few other schools went to watch. It was breathtaking, but something else that really took my breath away was when we went to Margaret Mahy playground. I was super tired after a big game of tag around the playground. 

Here a few shots of us enjoying it!

Friday, November 1, 2019

⚡Speedy little thing⚡

Hey there!

thanks for visiting my blog again, today for my homework post I have decided to complete this activity:
So I chose to write an acrostic poem about an animal, my favourite animal. Which is a big cat, a Cheetah. Cheetah's are my favourite animal because  they are fast, playful and at all scary like other big cats. Plus a cool cat power they have is natural sunglasses, which are the black tear lines around their eye's trailing down their cheeks. It helps enhance their vision  in the sunny african planes.
What's your favourite animal?
Hope you enjoy my poem!

Cheeky little thing๐Ÿ˜

Kia ora,
and welcome back to my blog. In my maths group this week, we have been learning about Factors and multiples. Now all of it was pretty easy, except for one cheeky( ๐Ÿ˜) slide. 

Anyway's, today for my blog post I have decided to create a DLO on what I have learnt. I hope you have something to take away from this video, you might even be able to solve that cheeky question.
If you do solve it then one, I'll be beaten and you can share how you got your answer down in the comments below.
Good luck! (you'll need it)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Not so easy...๐Ÿ˜ฃ

Hey there,

and welcome back to my blog. So far this term my group has been working on converting and ordering fractions and decimals. Today was our last sesion, and my group really had to push because we had a lot to do. But we made it and I actually learned a lot, I have gained enough knowledge to work around questions I used to struggle with.

Is there something that you are yet to conquer in math?

Is it converting fractions into percentages? Well your in luck, because I have just the DLO for you.
